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Peak Performance Frost Down Hybrid Hood Women's

Peak Performance Frost Down Hybrid Hood Women's

239,95 €
239,95 €

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Descrizione prodotto

Peak Performance dice di il Frost Down Hybrid Hood Women's

La nostra linea Frost è un best seller da oltre un decennio. Questa nuovissima edizione della famiglia di prodotti è una giacca con cappuccio ibrida con comode maniche in jersey e un busto imbottito con imbottitura in piuma/piuma 80/20 di alta qualità che offre il meglio di entrambi i mondi: calore e libertà di movimento. Indossalo da solo o sotto una giacca.

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Our Frost line has been a best seller for over a decade. This brand new edition to the product family is a hybrid hood jacket with cozy jersey sleeves, and a body filled with premium 80/20 down/feather insulation it offers the best of both worlds – warmth and freedom of movement. Wear it by itself or underneath a jacket..

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7333269809552 - Peak Performance Frost Down Hybrid Hood Women's Pine Needle L 7333269809545 - Peak Performance Frost Down Hybrid Hood Women's Pine Needle M 7333269809538 - Peak Performance Frost Down Hybrid Hood Women's Pine Needle S 7333269809569 - Peak Performance Frost Down Hybrid Hood Women's Pine Needle XL 7333269809576 - Peak Performance Frost Down Hybrid Hood Women's Pine Needle XS 7333269797774 - Peak Performance Frost Down Hybrid Hood Women's Sand Fog-Offwhite L 7333269797767 - Peak Performance Frost Down Hybrid Hood Women's Sand Fog-Offwhite M 7333269797804 - Peak Performance Frost Down Hybrid Hood Women's Sand Fog-Offwhite S 7333269797781 - Peak Performance Frost Down Hybrid Hood Women's Sand Fog-Offwhite XL 7333269797798 - Peak Performance Frost Down Hybrid Hood Women's Sand Fog-Offwhite XS